The Truth About The White Lie
Chapter 11—For Further Study
Note: Documents below marked with a double asterisk (**) were available at the time of this paper’s publication in 1981 but are no longer in print. However, they are being prepared for on-line viewing at this site.
“Addresses to Faculty and Students at the 1935 Advanced Bible School,” by W.C. White. Currently titled, “How Ellen White’s Books Were Written.” 37 pp. $1.50 TAWL 14.13
**“Analysis of Ellen G. White’s Luther Manuscript,” by Ron Graybill. 31pp. TAWL 14.14
“A Bibliography of E. G. White’s Private and Office Libraries.” Compiled by Warren H. Johns, Tim Poirier, and Ron Graybill. This bibliography was constructed from the inventories which were made of Ellen White’s private and office libraries at the time of her death in 1915. 63 pp. $2.00 TAWL 14.15
“Brief Statements Regarding the Writings of Ellen G. White,” by W. C. White and D. E. Robinson. 16 pp. $.80 TAWL 14.16
“Common or Uninspired Writings,” by Arthur L. White. 6 pp. $.30 TAWL 14.17
**“A Comparison of Attitudes Between Those Who Read Ellen White and Those Who Do Not,” by Roger L. Dudley and Des Cummings, Jr. 45 pp. TAWL 14.18
**“Did The Great Controversy Contain Stolen Illustrations?” by Ron Graybill. 2 pp. TAWL 14.19
**“Ellen G. White’s Literary Work: An Update,” by Ron Graybill. An edited and annotated transcript of a tape recording of morning worship talks by Ron Graybill at the General Conference, November 15-19, 1981. (March, 1982, Aspire Tape Club Selection.) 45 pp. TAWL 14.20
“Ellen G. White and the Shut Door.” TAWL 14.21
a. A Statement prepared by Arthur L. White. 62 pp. $2.00 TAWL 14.22
b. Ten Review and Herald articles by George I. Butler recounting the beginnings of the Advent Movement. 20 pp. $1.00 TAWL 14.23
**“Ellen White’s Theological and Literary Indebtedness to Calvin Stowe,” by David Neff. 22 pp. TAWL 14.24
**“Ellen G. White’s Use of Uninspired Sources,” by R. W. Olson. 19 pp. TAWL 14.25
“The Fannie Bolton Story: A Collection of Source Documents.” All of the known letters of Ellen White, Fannie Bolton, and their associates which have a bearing on Fannie Bolton’s work for Ellen White, and her attitudes toward that work, are brought together in this comprehensive collection. 128 pp. $3.50 TAWL 14.26
**“Henry Melvill and Ellen G. White: A Study in Literary and Theological Relationships.” An interim report on a cooperative study project undertaken by Ron Graybill, Warren H. Johns, and Tim Poirier, in which Ellen White’s selective use of Anglican clergyman Henry Melvill’s book of sermons is examined. 107 pp. TAWL 14.27
**“The History of the Discovery of Literary Borrowing,” by Warren H. Johns. 3 pp. TAWL 14.28
“How The Desire of Ages Was Written.” A collection of source documents relating to the writing of The Desire of Ages, 47 pp. $1.00 TAWL 14.29
“Inspiration and the Ellen G. White Writings,” by Arthur L. White. A reprint of articles published in the Adventist Review on the subject of inspiration and Ellen G. White’s writing of the “Conflict of the Ages” series. 39 pp. $1.60 TAWL 14.30
**“The Literary Relationship Between The Desire of Ages by Ellen G. White and The Life of Christ by William Hanna, Parts I & II,” by Raymond F. Cottrell and Walter F. Specht. 85 pp. TAWL 14.31
**“Memorandum of Law: Literary Property Rights; 1790-1915,” by Vincent Ramik. Available from the Ellen G. White Estate. 17 pp. TAWL 14.32
“The 1907 Interview with John Harvey Kellogg,” by Tim Poirier. A review of some of the charges made by Dr. Kellogg against the testimonies, including the “Chicago buildings.” 11 pp. $.50 TAWL 14.33
**“The 1919 Bible Conference and Bible and History Teachers’ Council,” by R. W. Olson. 10 pp. TAWL 14.34
“One Hundred and One Questions on the Sanctuary and on Ellen White,” by R. W. Olson. 112 pp. $1.00 TAWL 14.35
“The Shut Door Documents.” Statements Relating to the Shut Door, by Ellen G. White and other early Adventists. Arranged in a chronological setting from 1844 to 1851. Compiled by Robert W. Olson. 58 pp. $2.00 TAWL 14.36
“Sources or Aids—Why Did Ellen G. White Borrow?” by Paul Gordon. 14 pp. $.50 TAWL 14.37
**“To Those Who Are Perplexed....” Ellen White’s response to questions raised by her critics, including “The Blue Book.” By Tim Poirier. 4 pp. TAWL 14.38
“Was Ellen G. White a Plagiarist?” A reprint of articles published in the Adventist Review, Sept. 17, 1981, featuring an interview with Attorney Vincent L. Ramik. 8 pp. $.50 TAWL 14.39
Copies of this document can be obtained from the Ellen G. White Estate, 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904, for $1.00.