The Truth About The White Lie

Why hasn’t Donald McAdams’ study of the Huss manuscript been released? What about Ron Graybill’s similar study of material Mrs. White wrote on Martin Luther? 2

Ron Graybill’s Analysis of E. G. White’s Luther Manuscript was advertised in the White Estate’s catalogue of Documents Available and was published for general distribution well before The White Lie was published. Dr. McAdams’s study of the Huss chapter in The Great Controversy is likewise available. What has not been released for publication are a number of the pages of Ellen White’s handwritten draft of the Huss manuscript as transcribed by Dr. McAdams. This material was sent to all E. G. White Research Centers where it might be examined by any responsible researcher. The reason it has not been published is that it was hastily prepared by Ellen White at a time when she was not at all well. The handwritten draft is perhaps the poorest sample of her handwritten documents available. If published, it could give a distorted picture of the quality of her work. Her work on the Luther manuscript is more representative and thus has been published both in facsimile and typed transcript in the Graybill study. TAWL 12.10