What Became of A. T. Jones and E. J. Waggoner?
Elder E. J. Waggoner
Elder E. J. Waggoner continued his editorial work at the Signs of the Times until May, 1891. In 1892 he was called to England to lead out in the editorial work there. He was stationed there until the General Conference session of 1903. During the last few years of his European sojourn, Elder W. W. Prescott was in the field laboring closely with him. ATJEJW 8.2
In 1894 Ellen White expressed fears concerning certain views held by Elder Waggoner in regard to organization. The communication is addressed to A. T. Jones and we quote in part: ATJEJW 8.3
“God has in a special manner used you and Brother Waggoner to do a special work, and I have known this. I have given all my influence in with yours, because you were doing the work of God for this time. I have done all that it was possible for me to do in Jesus Christ to stand close to you, and help you in every way; but I am very sorrowful when I see things that I cannot endorse, and I feel pained over the matter. I begin to be afraid. ATJEJW 8.4
“Elder Waggoner has entertained ideas, and without waiting to bring his ideas before a counsel of brethren, has agitated strange theories. He has brought before some of the people, ideas in regard to organization that ought never to have had expression. I supposed that the question of organization was settled forever with those who believed the testimonies given through Sister White. Now if they believe the testimonies why do they work contrary to them? Why should not my brethren be prudent enough to place these matters before me, or at least to enquire if I had any light upon these subjects? Why is it that these things start up at this time when we have canvassed the matter in our previous history, and God has spoken upon these subjects? Should not that be enough? ATJEJW 8.5
“Why not keep steadily at work in the lines that God has given us? Why not walk in the dear light He has revealed and in place of tearing to pieces that which God has built up, work on the side of Jesus Christ? O how Satan would rejoice to get in among this people, and disorganize the work at a time when thorough organization is essential, and will be the greatest power to keep out spurious uprisings, and to refute claims not endorsed by the word of God. We want to hold the lines evenly, that there shall be no breaking down of the system of regulation and order. In this way license shall not be given to disorderly elements to control the work at this time. We are living in a time when order, system, and unity of action is most essential.”—Letter 37, 1894 (to A. T. Jones, Jan. 14, 1894). ATJEJW 8.6
Elder Waggoner, representing the British field, attended the General Conference session of 1897 and gave a series of eighteen studies on the book of Hebrews. He also presented the sermon on the last Sabbath of the conference. Dr. Kellogg was also at this session and spoke frequently, and there introduced his pantheistic views—views which were to have a far-reaching influence on Elder Waggoner. ATJEJW 8.7
Within the next few years, while laboring in Great Britain, Waggoner began to espouse and promulgate views of spiritual affinity—that is, that one not rightfully a marriage partner here might be one in the life to come, and this allows a present spiritual union. This was to lead to his downfall. He came to the 1901 General Conference session “enthused with what” he “supposed to be precious spiritual light” (Letter 224, 1908). Ellen White was shown that, instead, the views he was then espousing were “dangerous, misleading fables,” similar to the fanaticism she had been called to meet following 1844. Of this she later wrote: “Dr. Waggoner was then departing from the faith in the doctrine he held regarding spiritual affinities.”—Ibid. ATJEJW 8.8
She also stated: “In the European field for a long time he has sown seeds that have [borne] and will bear evil fruit, leading some to depart from the faith, and to give heed to seducing spirits, doctrines of satanic origin.”—Letter 121, 1906. ATJEJW 9.1
After the 1903 General Conference session, Elder Waggoner remained in the United States. O how earnestly Ellen White labored for him! She urged that he be placed on the faculty of the newly established Emmanuel Missionary College, on a probationary basis, in the fervent hope that he could clear himself of subtle deceptive theories. Message after message was sent to him in warning and appeal. ATJEJW 9.2
To him she wrote on October 2, 1903: “It is those who have had the most light that Satan seeks the most assiduously to ensnare. He knows that if he can deceive them, they can, under his control, clothe sin with the garments of righteousness, and lead many astray. God grant that our teachers may see and understand this, their great danger, and that they may recover themselves from the snare of Satan, and put forth redoubled efforts to save others who are exposed.”—Letter 230, 1903. ATJEJW 9.3
Then two days later she wrote again, speaking very plainly: “You have been represented to me as being in great peril. Satan is on your track, and at times he has whispered to you pleasing fables, and has shown you charming pictures of one whom he represents as a more suitable companion for you than the wife of your youth, the mother of your children. ATJEJW 9.4
“Satan is working stealthily, untiringly, to effect your downfall through his specious temptations. He is determined to become your teacher, and you need now to place yourself where you can get strength to resist him. He hopes to lead you into the mazes of spiritualism. He hopes to wean your affections from your wife, and to fix them upon another woman. He desires that you shall allow your mind to dwell upon this woman, until through unholy affection she becomes your god. ATJEJW 9.5
“The enemy of souls has gained much when he can lead the imagination of one of Jehovah’s chosen watchmen to dwell upon the possibilities of association, in the world to come, with some woman whom he loves, and there raising up a family.”—Letter 231, 1903. Published in Medical Ministry, 100, 101. ATJEJW 9.6
After a winter term of teaching at Berrien Springs, Elder Waggoner, still in the fog, went to Battle Creek to join A. T. Jones and Dr. J. H. Kellogg, and in so doing placed himself in the midst of pantheistic teachings and skepticism concerning the Spirit of prophecy. ATJEJW 9.7
On August 1, 1904, Ellen White addressed a solemn message to Brethren Paulson, Sadler, Jones, and Waggoner in which she presented what God had presented to her “in the night season.” The last part of the nine-page appeal is directed specifically to Brethren Jones and Waggoner: ATJEJW 9.8
“Our Counselor then laid his hands on the shoulders of Elder A. T. Jones and Elder E. J. Waggoner and said, ‘You are confused. You are in the mist and fog. You have need of the heavenly anointing.’ To Brother Jones He said, ‘Why have you permitted your mind to be worked as it has been? I warned you not to permit this.’ He said to Brother Waggoner, ‘Leave the place where you now are, and walk in the path that I have pointed out. Living Temple is full of seductive sentiments, which if received, will tear down the foundations of your faith, and weaken your perceptions of truth and righteousness.’ ATJEJW 9.9
“Addressing them both, He said, ‘There is a work for both of you to do. Your minds need to be thoroughly renewed. Your faith is to rest on a high, holy, substantial foundation. God has a work for you to do in sounding the last message of warning to the world. Turn away from scientific theories. What is the chaff to the wheat?’ ATJEJW 9.10
“The Speaker was represented to me as standing on a high platform. To this platform He raised both men, and placed one at His right hand and the other at His left. Then He said: ‘The sentiments that you have received in harmony with the special theories presented in the book Living Temple are not pure truth. There is a commingling of truth and error, and it will be difficult for you to single out the true from the false, to distinguish between the threads of truth and the threads of error. My word is spirit and life. I am the bread of life.... ATJEJW 10.1
“‘Cast out of your minds the sophistries that you have been receiving. God would have your minds cleansed from these theories. Hold fast the beginning of your confidence firm unto the end. Warn others to let spiritualistic sophistries alone. Preach the word as you have done in the past, and My Spirit will be with you. Holy angels will accompany you if you will follow the way that God has marked out. ATJEJW 10.2
“‘Separate entirely from the bewitching, misleading sentiments that run through Living Temple. You are to be My witnesses. You are to declare My word’…. ATJEJW 10.3
“My brethren, I am so glad, so thankful, for this message that the Lord has given me for you. He said, ‘I will make you both free if you will take hold of My strength. You each have a work to do in proclaiming the message that Christ came to give John, telling him to write it in a book, and send it to the churches.’”—Letter 279, 1904. ATJEJW 10.4
Then Ellen White turns to what might be if the two men, believing the testimony, responded wholeheartedly. But Heaven’s appeal fell on dull ears. The steps that might have been taken were not taken. In 1905, Ellen White appealed to Elder Waggoner as she did to A. T. Jones, to enter the field of evangelism. She well knew that in saving others they might save themselves. Both men preferred to remain in Battle Creek. ATJEJW 10.5
In 1906 Elder Waggoner, after his wife had divorced him because of his attentions to a nurse with whom he had become acquainted in England, married the lady. This, of course, terminated his connection with the church. A few years later we find him at the Battle Creek Sanitarium working in medical and religious lines. There is no record that he ever opposed the church. On May 28, 1916, at the age of 61 years, he died at his home of a heart attack after a full day of activity. Word of his death was given to the church in a back-page note in the The Review and Herald, June 29, 1916. ATJEJW 10.6
This has been a sad recital. How subtle is Satan in his attacks on those to whom God has given great light. We return to the words of Ellen White penned in 1892: ATJEJW 10.7
“It is quite possible that Elder Jones or Waggoner may be overthrown by the temptations of the enemy; but if they should be, this would not prove that they had had no message from God, or that the work that they had done was all a mistake.... I pray that these men upon whom God has laid the burden of a solemn work, may be able to give the trumpet a certain sound, and honor God at every step, and that their path at every step may grow brighter and brighter until the close of time.”—Letter 24, 1892. ATJEJW 10.8
It could have been, but seeds of evil cherished in the hearts of Jones and Waggoner gave the victory to the great adversary. ATJEJW 10.9
It should be remembered that while God used the preaching and writings of these two men in a broad reform movement within the church at a time when they were living close to Heaven, there followed in the years associated with their apostasy from the truth, much fruitless preaching and hurtful influences. A man may be a servant of God at one time in his life and an instrument of evil at another. Thus it was with Jones and Waggoner, the story of whose later years clutches at our hearts and reminds us painfully of Paul’s words: “Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall” (1 Corinthians 10:12). ATJEJW 10.10