W. W. Prescott and the 1911 Edition of The Great Controversy


22. Page 62

At the bottom of the page it reads: “But Rome had fixed her eyes on Britain, and resolved to bring it under her supremacy.” The facts as given in history are these: While walking through the slave market in Rome one day, Gregory the Great saw some youths who attracted his attention. On inquiry he learned that they came from Britain. He was impressed with the beauty of their form and appearance, and thought that such a people ought to receive Christianity; and therefore sent Augustine, with about forty monks, to preach the gospel to them. I do not find anything in the history which indicates that Gregory knew of this country and determined to bring them under his pontifical power before he saw those young men in the slave market. WWPGC 11.3

Response: Negative. No change made. WWPGC 11.4