W. W. Prescott and the 1911 Edition of The Great Controversy


15. Page 59

Purgatory is defined as “A place of torment, in which the souls of such as have not merited eternal damnation are to suffer punishment for their sins.” Purgatory is thus defined in Catholic Belief, page 196: WWPGC 9.6

“Purgatory is a state of suffering after this life, in which those souls are for a time detained, who depart this life after their deadly sins have been remitted as to the stain and guilt, and as to the everlasting pain that was due them, but who have on account of those sins still some debt of temporal punishment to pay; as also those souls which leave this world guilty only of venial sins.” WWPGC 9.7

Response: Negative as to a change. An Appendix note was added quoting Catholic sources and giving many reference to sources. WWPGC 9.8