Charismatic Experiences In Early Seventh-day Adventist History


Chapter 5—Ralph Speaks in a Tongue

Again there was a speaking in a new tongue. Hiram Edson, an eye-witness, reports: CEESDAH 5.12

“God displayed His convincing power, and Brother Ralph spoke in a new tongue, and gave the interpretation in power, and in the demonstration of the Holy Ghost.”—Ibid., p. 36.

Triumphantly Hiram Edson reported: CEESDAH 5.13

“Brother Rhodes finally consented to come with us, and went about arranging his business in order to leave.... Friday, November 23, we returned as far as Brother Arnold’s, of Volney.... They were all rejoiced to see Brother Rhodes.”

And the interesting account closes with these words: CEESDAH 5.14

“He stands firm in all the present truth; and we heartily bid him godspeed, as he goes to search out and feed the precious, scattered flock of Jesus.”—Ibid.

With this eyewitness account of this experience published in the Present Truth, a journal that has been read widely, there is general knowledge within and without the Seventh-day Adventist Church of this tongues experience. Its authenticity is not questioned. Whether the “new tongue” spoken by Brother Ralph was a known language is not disclosed to us. CEESDAH 5.15

One point in connection with this experience is of particular interest, and that is the coolness of Ellen White toward the experience. Even after the demonstration of the unknown tongue, Mrs. White was unconvinced that the venture to attempt to rescue Brother Rhodes was in God’s providence and was justified. Not until a vision was given to her directly by God did she place her endorsement on the efforts to recover Brother Rhodes. Brother Rhodes became a strong worker in God’s cause, and the next year his name appeared on the masthead of the Review and Herald as a member of the publishing committee. CEESDAH 5.16

A fourth tongues experience took place in Vermont in the summer of 1851 and is reported in the Review and Herald through a letter written to James White by (Sister) F. M. Shimper. She speaks of the deep experience of the church at East Bethel, Vermont, and reports that the Lord had recently sent “and abundantly blessed the labors of His servant, Brother Holt, among us. After baptizing six of our number, our dear Brother Morse was set apart by the laying on of hands, to the administration of the ordinances of God’s house. The Holy Ghost witnessed by the gift of tongues, and solemn manifestations of the presence and power of God. The place was awful, yet glorious. We truly felt that ‘we never saw it on this fashion.’”—The Review and Herald, August 19, 1851. CEESDAH 6.1