Charismatic Experiences In Early Seventh-day Adventist History


How The Mackins Got Into The San Jose Church

Since the publication of the three articles in the Review & Herald the White Estate has received information from Mrs. Irene Moon-Winn, who resided in San Jose at the time, as to how Ralph Mackin gained access to the San Jose church. CEESDAH 27.8

Elder D. T. Fero, the pastor, had to be away on Sabbath, November 14, and he arranged for one of the members to take the service. On Sabbath morning as our brother who was to speak entered the church he met a gentleman who had a Bible, a Christ in Song and a volume of the Testimonies and gave his name as Ralph Mackin. CEESDAH 27.9

“Are you a preacher?” he was asked. CEESDAH 27.10

“Oh yes,” was the reply. “I have just come from Battle Creek.” How fortunate, it seemed, that a minister from the East was in their midst and he was invited to preach. CEESDAH 27.11

In his sermon Mackin told the congregation that he had just visited Sister White at St. Helena and that his wife had had a vision there. He reported that Sister White was in full harmony with them, told them that theirs was a good work, and wished them God’s blessing. During the sermon he suggested that if any of the congregation would like to have a special prayer meeting after church he would be glad to join them. Some people stayed, and they had a little prayer meeting. CEESDAH 27.12

When members who had gone home returned at three o’clock for the young people’s meeting, they were surprised to find the meeting under Mr. Mackin’s leadership still in progress. Some of the people were singing, some were praying, some were crying. Mackin announced there would be a prayer meeting at the church that night. Quite a crowd turned out, and he continued every night until Wednesday when Elder Fero returned, discovered the situation, and terminated Mackin’s meetings in the church. CEESDAH 27.13

Mrs. Winn reports that the people “seemed to think that this was an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.” For a period of time Mackin conducted meetings in the homes of sympathizers. CEESDAH 27.14