Charismatic Experiences In Early Seventh-day Adventist History


Chapter 3—An Experience Soon After the First Vision

In a vision given to her, probably very early in 1845, and soon after her first vision, which was given in December, 1844, she states: CEESDAH 4.4

“My strength was taken away, and I fell to the floor. I seemed to be in the presence of the angels.”—Life Sketches, p. 71.

Such experiences were repeated again and again. And there were times when others under the influence of the Spirit of God were prostrated. Writing of an experience shortly after her marriage in 1846 when she was very ill and the neighbors had given her up to die, she said, CEESDAH 4.5

“Many prayers had been offered to God in my behalf, yet it pleased the Lord to try our faith. After others had prayed, Brother Henry [Nichols] commenced praying, and seemed much burdened, and with the power of God resting upon him, rose from his knees, came across the room, and laid his hands upon my head, saying, ‘Sister Ellen, Jesus Christ maketh thee whole,’ and fell back prostrated by the power of God. I believed that the work was of God, and the pain left me.”—Spiritual Gifts 2:84.

Shortly after this Mr. and Mrs. Ralph were prostrated: CEESDAH 4.6

“Last Sunday we were at Brother Ralph’s and we engaged in prayer for the special teachings of God how to move, whether to go to New York or stay in Connecticut. The spirit came and we had a powerful season. Brother and Sister Ralph were both laid prostrate and remained helpless for some time.”—Letter 1, 1848.