Charismatic Experiences In Early Seventh-day Adventist History


Chapter 5—The Camp Meeting Experience

Before we went onto the campground—we did not go until Friday—my wife and two other ladies (my mother, and another lady, Sister Edwards, a sister-in-law to the president of the conference)—before we went upon the campground this last year, they three were seeking the Lord. I had gone downtown on an errand; and the Spirit of God told her (Mrs. Mackin) to go on the campground, and there sing; and there He would tell her what to sing. CEESDAH 21.11

And she wept just like a child, and just seemed like she could not stand it because that the Lord showed her the condition of our people—soon the plagues would fall, and they were unready. There was no meeting in progress, and the Spirit of the Lord came upon her as she went onto the campground, and (turning to Mrs. Mackin) you may tell her what words you sang. CEESDAH 21.12

Mrs. Mackin: The Lord put this burden upon me. I could not stand it. I wanted to tell it so bad, and sing that song so bad. And I could not get rid of it till I would do it. “Oh, pray,” says I to Sister Edwards; and so I stood on the campground, and I sang just what the Lord gave me. The Lord—this is what I sang:— CEESDAH 21.13

“He is coming; He is coming; Get ready; Get ready.” CEESDAH 21.14

And then that statement in Early Writings CEESDAH 21.15

“How many I saw coming up to the falling of the plagues without a shelter. Receive ye the Holy Ghost.” CEESDAH 21.16

These are the words I sang. I sang them over and over again. They could hear it all over the campground, and they came together; but before that, the Lord showed me how they would wring their hands as the plagues were falling. The Lord can show anything in just a moment, better than He could tell it to us. And so He showed me how they would wring their hands, and that put on me a greater burden than ever. Well, that is when they arrested us. CEESDAH 21.17

I asked one of the ministers, on the witness stand—he was a man from Pennsylvania—“Would you consider that singing sufficient to disturb a camp meeting?” He said, “I never heard such singing in my life. It just thrilled me through and through.” This is what everybody says. It is in a most beautiful tone of voice, and it just seems to lift us from off the earth. It is when the singing is extemporaneous—dictated by the Spirit—that it is the most wonderful. CEESDAH 21.18

If you have any light for us ... CEESDAH 21.19

Ellen G. White: I do not know that I have anything special that I could say. There will be things that will transpire at the very close of this earth’s history, it has been presented to me, similar to some of the things that you have represented; but I cannot say anything on these points now. CEESDAH 21.20

R. Mackin: Is there any question, Brother White, or anything now? CEESDAH 21.21

W. C. White: I do not know as there is anything more than to pray that the Lord will give Mother some word, and then take time for matters to develop. It is better, in presenting anything to her, to present the subject briefly and clearly, and then perhaps have another interview with her later on. CEESDAH 21.22

R. Mackin: We are fasting and praying. If we are in a delusion, we want to know it, just as much as if we were in the right. CEESDAH 21.23

Mrs. Mackin: Our brethren certainly think that we are in a delusion. CEESDAH 21.24