Charismatic Experiences In Early Seventh-day Adventist History



Ecstatic experiences were not uncommon among sincere Christians in the 1830’s and the 1840’s. Some who later became our spiritual forefathers were involved in them. These experiences may be noted as: (1) Physical prostration; (2) shouting the praises of God; (3) speaking in unknown tongues; (4) divine healing. As we look back from our position today there appears to be convincing evidence that some of these experiences were genuine. There is also evidence that some were counterfeit or were self-induced in periods of excitement. In a series of articles we will explore these experiences in their historical setting and trace Ellen White’s relationship to them. As Ellen White recounts her early experience in the Advent Awakening before the visions were given to her, she reports a number of occasions when she was left prostrate by the overwhelming presence of the Spirit of God. One such experience is believed to have taken place in 1843: CEESDAH 3.1

“I bowed trembling during the prayers that were offered. After a few had prayed, I lifted up my voice in prayer before I was aware of it ... I praised God from the depths of my heart. Everything seemed shut out from me but Jesus and His glory, and I lost consciousness of what was passing around me. The Spirit of God rested upon me with such power that I was unable to go home that night.

“When I did return, on the following day, a great change had taken place in my mind. It seemed to me that I could hardly be the same person that left my father’s house the previous evening. This passage was continually in my thoughts: ‘The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.’ My heart was full of happiness as I softly repeated these words.”—Testimonies for the Church 1:31.