Compilations—What They Are and What They Are Not


Chapter 7—Wealth of Material

When all the items Ellen White was known to have written on a given subject are assembled, often there is such a wealth of material that it is difficult to hold the volume to a reasonable number of pages. When the material for Mind, Character, and Personality was brought together, there was such an abundance of material that it had to be issued in two volumes. CWAWAN 5.8

In planning a new Ellen White book, there is always the question of whether the volume should be limited to statements not already available in previous books, or whether, for the sake of making the book a complete unit in itself, all the counsel relating to the subject should be included, regardless of whether some statements are in other of her books. After in-depth study, the conclusion usually is reached that the book should be complete in itself. “Compile: To compose (a book, etc.) of materials gathered from various sources.” CWAWAN 5.9

Through the years since her death, the White Estate board has been requested to prepare compilations on various subjects. The board considers only those projects thought to make a definite contribution to the needs of the church, and counsels with church leaders before commencing any project. Some people have the misconception that compilations are just a rearrangement of materials appearing in other published books. The fact is, most compilations include previously unpublished counsel and instruction from Ellen White’s letters and manuscripts. The Trustees see no light in recycling the counsels available in books already in print. CWAWAN 5.10