Compilations—What They Are and What They Are Not


Chapter 2—How Were Compilations Prepared?

Ellen White’s copyists secretaries well understood that only her thoughts were to be used, and her own words, as far as they were grammatically consistent in expressing those thoughts. In no case was a copyist or editor to introduce thoughts not found in Mrs. White’s manuscripts. Where paragraphs and sentences were awkward or lost some of their force because of sentence structure, the secretaries were expected to make needed grammatical changes. They also were instructed to watch for unnecessary repetition. Mrs. White gave her personal attention to a review of the final manuscript. Since the author is no longer alive, the White Estate keeps this kind of editing to a minimum. There is virtually no elimination of repetition of thought today. CWAWAN 2.1

Over the years Ellen White wrote more than 5,000 articles, and thousands of pages of testimonies and letters to individuals. From this vast literary treasure house materials were drawn to incorporate into her books. She wrote on many subjects and left a wealth of material, published and unpublished. CWAWAN 2.2