Ellen G. White: The Lonely Years: 1876-1891 (vol. 3)


The Eastern Camp Meetings

Through these weeks James and Ellen White had their eyes on the camp meeting scheduled for Ballard Vale, Massachusetts, to open Wednesday, August 27. But when they returned to Battle Creek, they found that they could slip down for the weekend to the Ohio meeting, being held near Mansfield. Accompanied by W. C. White and his wife, they arrived late Friday afternoon and were joyfully received by D. M. Canright, president of the conference, and by the entire camp. Sabbath morning three hundred joined in the model Sabbath school held in the big tent. These were days of a marked development in the Sabbath school program in the State conferences. The September 4 Review and Herald reported that “Sister White spoke for a little while on the great importance of the Sabbath school work, in her usually forcible and eloquent manner.” 3BIO 119.5