Ellen G. White: The Lonely Years: 1876-1891 (vol. 3)


Home Again in Battle Creek

James White had determined that he and his wife would attend but one camp meeting in 1879, for he anticipated they would devote their time to writing as they resided comfortably in their little cabin on “White's Ranch” in the mountains of Colorado. As it turned out, they attended more than ten such gatherings. The adjusted summer program allowed them but a few days at their newly acquired Colorado home. Now back in Battle Creek at the close of the camp meeting season, James White in early October reviewed the situation and reported: 3BIO 120.1

In many respects Mrs. White's general health is in advance of what it was a year ago, and the writer is able to report better health than for several years. God is good.—Ibid., October 9, 1879 3BIO 120.2