Ellen G. White: The Lonely Years: 1876-1891 (vol. 3)


Deletion of Materials Especially Intended for Adventists

As The Great Controversy was now being prepared for wide distribution to the general public, some materials were deleted. W. C. White explained this: 3BIO 440.2

In her public ministry, Mother has shown an ability to select, from the storehouse of truth, matter that is well adapted to the needs of the congregation before her; and she has always thought that, in the selection of matter for publication in her books, the best judgment should be shown in selecting that which is best suited to the needs of those who will read the book. 3BIO 440.3

Therefore, when the new edition of Great Controversy was brought out in 1888, there were left out about twenty pages of matter—four or five pages in a place—which was very instructive to the Adventists of America, but which was not appropriate for readers in other parts of the world.—WCW statement to the General Conference Council, October 30, 1911 (see also Selected Messages 3:438, 439). 3BIO 440.4

One such deleted item was pages 337 to 340, being the first part of the chapter titled “The Snares of Satan.” In this she presented a view given her of Satan holding a council meeting with his angels to determine the best manner in which to deceive and mislead God's people. This presentation may be found in Testimonies to Ministers, pages 472 to 475, and of course, in the facsimile reprint of Spirit of Prophecy, volume 4. 3BIO 440.5