Ellen G. White: The Lonely Years: 1876-1891 (vol. 3)


Enlargement of Chapter on Huss

Only one chapter in the book could be allotted to John Huss. This meant that much of the comments Ellen White had written in enlarging on Wylie's remarks had to be cut in order to fit the space. Marian Davis, in Basel, did this further work of preparation after Ellen White and Sara had left and were visiting the northern countries. Then the manuscript for the chapters involved was sent to Ellen White in England for her approval and any changes that might be needed (A-2 WCW, p. 307). 3BIO 439.6

In the meantime, J. H. Waggoner, who was to work in Europe for a time, arrived in Basel. He joined Marian, working with her on the chapters for volume 4 and also on the chapters for volume 1 that had been laid aside (Ibid., 337). Marian's work held her in Basel for a month after Ellen White had sailed for America. As he was able, W. C. White made contacts with European firms, seeking appropriate illustrations for both books. As plans stood in the late summer of 1887, they were to be issued as companion volumes. 3BIO 440.1