Ellen White: Woman of Vision


Still On The Caravan Trail

The group heading for the camp meeting at Emporia, Kansas, reached Okmulgee, Indian Territory, on Friday, May 9. They had logged 160 miles (256 kilometers) since leaving Denison, and were 200 miles (320 kilometers) from Emporia. That evening James White was invited to speak in the Indian council house; Ellen White addressed the people the following evening (JW to WCW, May 10, 1879). WV 194.1

James White outlined his plans: WV 194.2

Here we shall take in some supplies. We shall not go to Coffeyville [Kansas], but keep up to Newton with the teams, then Elder Corliss, mother, and I will take the cars east to Emporia. Then at the close of the meetings we will take the cars west to meet the train [caravan bound for Colorado] (Ibid., May 11, 1879). WV 194.3