Ellen White: Woman of Vision


The Caravan Divides

At some point as they journeyed north, the Whites, accompanied by eight or 10 of the group, broke away from the caravan to hasten on to the camp meeting they had promised to attend in Emporia, Kansas; the rest turned west en route to Boulder. WV 193.6

While James White reveled in the venture, Ellen did not. She and Marian carried the burden of housekeeping and of providing the meals for their part of the traveling group. Marian often worked late in the night with inconvenient camping equipment. There was another point that perplexed Ellen White—was all this necessary and in the line of duty? She wrote to the children in Battle Creek, no doubt with some hyperbole: WV 193.7

I had rather attend twenty camp meetings with all their wear, knowing I was doing good to souls, than to be here traveling through the country. The scenery is beautiful, the changes and variety enjoyable; but I have so many fears that I am not in the line of my duty. Oh, when will this fearful perplexity end? ... God hangs a mist over my eyes (Letter 20a, 1879). WV 193.8