The World of Ellen G. White


Jonathan Butler has served in the Religion Department and the History Department at Union College and Loma Linda University. He is currently pursuing research in Seventh-day Adventist history under a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. WEGW 7.1

Randall G. Butler has taught history at Andrews University; he is currently an archivist at Loma Linda University. WEGW 7.2

Jerome L. Clark taught for many years in the History Department at Southern College of Seventh-day Adventists; he is presently pursuing a degree in library science. He is the author of the three-volume 1844 (Southern Publishing Association). WEGW 7.3

Delmer Davis teaches English at Andrews University, where he serves as chairman of the department. WEGW 7.4

Alwyn Fraser serves as chairman of the History Department at Atlantic Union College. WEGW 7.5

Gerald G. Herdman is chairman of the History Department at Andrews University. WEGW 7.6

Frederick Hoyt is professor of history at Loma Linda University; he has served as chairman of the History Department. WEGW 7.7

George R. Knight has taught in the School of Education at Andrews University and currently is in the Church History Department of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary. He recently wrote Myths in Adventism (Review and Herald Publishing Association). WEGW 7.8

Gary Land teaches in the History Department of Andrews University and serves as an editor of Adventist Heritage. He recently edited Adventism in America (William B. Eerdmans). WEGW 8.1

Benjamin McArthur teaches in the History Department of Southern College. He wrote Actors and American Culture, 1880-1920 (Temple University Press). WEGW 8.2

Norman Miles teaches in the Church History Department and the Christian Ministry Department of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University. WEGW 8.3

Dennis Pettibone is a teacher in a junior academy in Colorado; he wrote his Ph.D. dissertation on the history of the Sunday law movement. WEGW 8.4

Rennie B. Schoepflin teaches in the History Department of Loma Linda University. WEGW 8.5

Carlos Schwantes taught for several years in the History Department at Walla Walla College; he is now at the University of Idaho. His most recent book is Coxey’s Army: An American Odyssey (University of Nebraska Press). WEGW 8.6