A Prophet Among You



Gaussen, Louis, Theopneustia, the Plenary Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures, pp. 58-105. Chicago, Moody Press, n.d. APAY 12.5

Haynes, Carlyle. B., The Book of All Nations, pp. 73-127, 231-254. Nashville, Southern Publishing Assn., 1950. APAY 12.6

Orr, James, Revelation and Inspiration. New York, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1910. APAY 12.7

------, “The Bible,” The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, vol. 1, pp. 467, 468. Grand Rapids, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1952. APAY 12.8

Our Firm Foundation, vol. 1, pp. 61-116. (Report of the Seventh-day Adventist Bible Conference, 1952.) Washington, D.C., Review and Herald Publishing Assn., 1953. APAY 12.9

Read, W. E., The Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and the Church, pp. 6377. Washington, D.C., Review and Herald Publishing Assn., 1952. APAY 12.10

Unger, Merrill F., Introductory Guide to the Old Testament, pp. 22-45. (See Bibliography, pp. 43-45.) Grand Rapids, Zondervan Publishing House, 1951. APAY 12.11