A Prophet Among You



1. Make a study of the experience of John the Baptist to see how he measured up as a mouthpiece for God. Note his own words, the comments of others concerning him, particularly the words of Jesus. To what extent was his message a new one? How far did it point out and clarify the messages of earlier prophets? The same study might be made of Jesus, Paul, and John the revelator. APAY 75.3

2. How was it possible for a prophet to accurately express and rightly represent a message he did not understand? APAY 75.4

3. Can you find indications that the Holy Spirit dealt with other prophets in the way He did with Ezekiel, though they did not so fully describe the events? APAY 75.5

4. Read carefully the entire book of Ezekiel. Tabulate items that show how God dealt with Ezekiel as a prophet. What effect did his call have on his occupation, his home life, and his relation to other leaders among the Jews? APAY 75.6

5. What do you think is the strongest evidence, other than the oft-repeated “thus saith the Lord,” that the prophets did not consider their messages as their own to be dealt with as they pleased? APAY 75.7

6. What do you consider the most effective means of making the original presentation of a prophetic message? Is the effect the most enduring? If the method you consider originally most effective, and the one you think the most enduring are different, can you cite examples where both methods have been used with the same messages? APAY 75.8