A Prophet Among You

Adding to the Basic Books

To round out the Bible story the remaining volumes of the Conflict of the Ages Series—Patriarchs and Prophets, Prophets and Kings, and The Acts of the Apostles—should be added. A complete set of the nine volumes of the Testimonies for the Church will present the full range of counsel given to the church over a period of nearly fifty-five years. It will guide and strengthen the Christian’s everyday living and activity, and aid in developing character. Beyond these volumes there are about twenty-five additional titles from which to select areas of particular interest. See pages 482-485. APAY 437.1

Students making preparation for their lifework will want to include those books that touch especially the type of work in which they plan to engage. Ministerial students should give attention to Gospel Workers, Testimonies to Ministers, and Evangelism. Prospective physicians and nurses should study The Ministry of Healing, Medical Ministry, and Counsels on Health. Future teachers should concentrate on Education, Fundamentals of Christian Education, Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, and Child Guidance. But no one of these books is intended to be used by only one group of believers or workers. Every volume contains instruction of inestimable value to every individual. APAY 437.2

In this suggested reading program it is intended that the reader shall build a solid foundation. Nothing can help him to do this better than a broad knowledge of what is taught in the books. The greater his general knowledge, the more valid will be his conclusions when he makes topical studies such as are introduced in a later chapter. APAY 437.3