A Prophet Among You


1. The European advent awakening had its parallel in America. APAY 200.3

2. William Miller became the leading exponent of the second-advent teaching in America. APAY 200.4

3. Miller and his associates widely publicized the advent doctrine, and they believed Christ would return in 1843 or 1844. APAY 201.1

4. After the passing of the time period set by Miller, the attention of the advent believers was turned to October 22, 1844, as the date of the return of Christ. APAY 201.2

5. As a result of their misunderstanding of the event that would take place at the close of the 2300-day prophetic period, the advent believers were disappointed on October 22. APAY 201.3

6. Soon after the disappointment, additional light began to come to them, and they realized that God had been with them through the disappointing experience, and would continue to lead them. APAY 201.4

7. The revelations given to Ellen G. Harmon were accepted by a group of adventists as light from heaven. APAY 201.5