A Prophet Among You


Edward Irving

One of those most influenced by Lacunza’s book was Edward Irving (1792-1834). In 1825, Irving, in the city of London, preached his first sermon on the second advent. During the following year he read the 1812 Spanish edition of The Coming of the Messiah in Glory and Majesty, and he was much affected by it. He went so far as to make a two-volume English translation. APAY 177.2

Edward Irving was born in Scotland. He was endowed with a brilliant mind, and he received a good education. He was religiously inclined, and while young he became a well known preacher. Soon after his arrival in London in 1822, the little Hatton Garden Chapel, of which he was pastor, was filled to overflowing with some of the leading members of London society. Even with admission by ticket only, the seats were occupied for hours in advance of the preaching service. By 1827 a new church had been built in Regent Square, and every Sunday it was filled with eager listeners who drank in Irving’s lengthy expositions of prophecy. APAY 177.3

In a tour of Scotland, Irving preached the nearness of the advent, and he drew such crowds that the largest churches would not accommodate them. Outdoor audiences are reported to have reached from 10,000 to 15,000 persons. Later accusations of heresy marred the close of Irving’s ministry, but these were not directly related to his advent preaching. “He was one of the pre-eminent Christians of his time, with a spirit of humility, consecration, and spiritual perception which most of his contemporaries neither possessed nor were capable of assessing.” His preaching brought the prophecies of the imminence of the advent to the attention of tens of thousands of persons, and contributed largely to the widespread advent awakening. APAY 178.1