The Great Visions of Ellen G. White

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In December 1844, 17-year-old Ellen received a vision from God. It was the first of some 2,000 prophetic dreams and visions that would span the next 70 years of her life and form the basis for her personal testimonies, sermons, articles, and books.

Roger W. Coon has selected 10 of Ellen White’s most significant visions and examines them in the greater light of their immediate historical context.

The Great Visions of Ellen G. White will:

• Build your confidence in God, His love for the church, and His special gift to His people.

• Illustrate how the process of inspiration worked in the life of Ellen White.

• Demonstrate how God used the Holy Spirit in Adventism’s past to shape the growth and development of His church.

• Give you better understanding of the major doctrines of the church and help you see the precise nature of Ellen White’s relationship and contribution to them.

• Help you grow in Christ and prepare for His coming.

Roger W. Coon has served as an associate secretary of the Ellen G. White Estate since 1981. He is also an adjunct professor of prophetic guidance at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.

Dr. Coon holds a Ph. D. in speech, with an emphasis in rhetoric and public address, from Michigan State University. He has served throughout the world as a preacher, pastor, evangelist, hospital chaplain, foreign missionary, and author, but chiefly as an educator. He comes from a long line of preachers extending back more than 200 years into Scotland.

He is the author of A Gift of Light, Ellen White and Vegetarianism, Heralds of New Light, and “Look a Little Higher.” Dr. Coon and his wife, Irene, live in Highland, Maryland.