The Great Visions of Ellen G. White

Secret in the Circle

In one sense the secret of the “line” is in the “circle.” For it is only when one has been in the “circle” that he or she is properly prepared to take his or her place upon the “line.” GVEGW 148.1

The late Dr. Louis H. Evans, Sr., pastor, in the 1950s and 1960s, of Presbyterianism’s largest congregation (Hollywood First), once told this story from his pulpit: GVEGW 148.2

Napoleon had learned that discontent among his troops was rapidly ripening into open mutiny. Not a moment was to be lost. GVEGW 148.3

“Order all the men, officers and soldiers, out on the parade ground,” he instructed one of his generals. “Tell them to form a large circle, with arms outstretched, so that the fingertips of one will just touch the fingertips of another.” GVEGW 148.4

The order was executed, and then Napoleon himself appeared. He moved quickly to the exact center of th GVEGW 148.5

e circle, and curtly gave the instruction: “When I say ‘March,’ each of you will take one step forward toward me. Do you understand?” GVEGW 148.6

Then came the command, “March.” As one, the army moved in unison. Then, again, “March.” And again, and again, and again. GVEGW 148.7

Napoleon noted with silent satisfaction the large circle of men progressively shrink into a smaller and still smaller circle. As the soldiers came nearer and still nearer to their commander in chief, they also came nearer and still nearer to one another! GVEGW 148.8

Soon the circle had shrunk until the soldiers were standing, literally, shoulder to shoulder. As they had come nearer and nearer to their leader, they had come nearer and nearer to each other. GVEGW 148.9

Napoleon surveyed his troops, looking intently for a moment into the face of each, and then abruptly turned upon his heel and left the parade ground. Back in command headquarters, he told his generals, “There is no revolt in France tonight.” GVEGW 148.10