Why I Believe in Mrs. E. G. White


Mrs. White and Church Membership

There is another question that is sometimes asked: Should a person be taken into the church who does not accept Mrs. White as God’s special messenger to the remnant church? We believe that the Adventist ministry in general would quickly answer, No. How could we answer otherwise? In view of the fact that such a belief in Mrs. White is one of our articles of faith, why would anyone wish to belong to our church if he did not accept Mrs. White? Would it be fair to him to bring him into the church unless, first, he well understood the doctrine of spiritual gifts, and second, was ready to accept that doctrine? Would we not be doing both him and the church a distinct disservice? Would we not be running the grave risk of later tension and discord? WBEGW 106.1

Now, because we should delay baptizing a person until he understands and accepts Mrs. White, does it therefore follow that we should promptly disfellowship him in the event he might later become blurred in his faith and give up belief in her? We think not. When we take someone into the church we view him from then on as a part of the fellowship of believers, and hence we have a heightened responsibility for his soul. If one of the church family wavers on some point of belief we should seek to help him to come into full faith again, and we should continue our endeavors to help him as long as there is hope. But if discord and rebellion develop, as they sometimes do, they create a new situation that may finally require disfellowshiping to protect the peace and stability of the church. WBEGW 106.2