Why I Believe in Mrs. E. G. White


“In the Night Seasons”

There were, indeed, times when Mrs. White, in the quiet seasons of the night, as she slept, received visions. She often began communications with such words as: “In the night season, instruction was given to me.” Then, too, there were times when quietly by herself writing or meditating or studying the Holy Word, she became aware of the presence of heavenly beings, even though her natural eyes might not see them. Here is an illustration of such divine guidance: WBEGW 89.1

“Friday, March 20, 1896, I arose early, about half past three o’clock in the morning. While writing upon the fifteenth chapter of John suddenly a wonderful peace came upon me. The whole room seemed to be filled with the atmosphere of heaven. A holy, sacred presence seemed to be in my room. I laid down my pen and was in a waiting attitude to see what the Spirit would say unto me. I saw no person. I heard no audible voice, but a heavenly watcher seemed close beside me. I felt that I was in the presence of Jesus. The sweet peace and light which seemed to be in my room it is impossible for me to explain or describe. A sacred, holy atmosphere surrounded me, and there was presented to my mind and understanding matters of intense interest and importance. A line of action was laid out before me as if the unseen presence was speaking with me. The matter I had been writing upon seemed to be lost to my mind and another matter distinctly opened before me. A great awe seemed to be upon me as matters were imprinted upon my mind.”—Manuscript 12c, 1896. WBEGW 89.2

Or take this from a letter she wrote in Australia on January 1, 1900: WBEGW 90.1

“The American mail goes tomorrow, and I have much to write. Have written seventeen pages since three o’clock a.m., prepared for the mail which leaves Cooranbong at nine a.m. As soon as I take my pen in hand I am not in darkness as to what to write. It is as plain and clear as a voice speaking to me, ‘I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go.’ ‘In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct (make plain) thy paths.’ We are to trust the Lord with all our heart. We have proved the Lord. We have the sure word on which we shall rely.”—Manuscript 89, 1900. WBEGW 90.2

This, in brief, is a picture of Ellen G. White as she received what Adventists firmly believe were revelations from God. The revelations were given to her because she was possessed of the gift of “the spirit of prophecy.” WBEGW 90.3