Why I Believe in Mrs. E. G. White


The Move to Battle Creek

Up until 1855 their home had been in the Eastern States. Late that year they moved to Battle Creek, Michigan. Here the Sabbathkeeping Adventists had built a small printing house and equipped it. Formerly Adventist papers and books had been printed in rented quarters. WBEGW 76.2

Not long after they had settled in Battle Creek she read at church, one Sabbath evening, certain things that had been revealed to her in vision. The church felt that the counsel to which they had listened ought to be in the hands of all the Sabbathkeeping companies elsewhere. Thus was begun the publication of messages, or “testimonies,” intended directly and rather exclusively for the church. It was at this time that the word “testimony” took on a technical meaning for this Sabbathkeeping company, signifying special messages from God through Mrs. White. Did they not believe that she possessed “the testimony of Jesus Christ” which “is the spirit of prophecy” (Revelation 12:17; 19:10)? This series of testimonies was delivered between 1855 and 1909. These were finally collected in nine volumes that filled nearly five thousand pages. The nine volumes of counsel on personal problems of different church members, problems of churches as a whole, or of institutions, were quite apart from her varied writings that constituted books of a more general nature, some of which were particularly intended for reading by non-Adventists. WBEGW 76.3

In the spring of 1858 she had an extended vision that presented before her the great conflict between Christ and Satan, from the very beginning of that conflict in the past ages up to the final hour of the destruction of Satan, which looms ahead. She wrote out what she had seen in this vision and in similar visions that followed. This went through various printings and editions until, in 1888, it took on essentially its present form under the title The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan. WBEGW 76.4

It was in the 1850’s and through till the spring of 1863 that Mrs. White devoted certain time and writing energy promoting the need of proper church organization. To this we referred in an earlier chapter. WBEGW 77.1

Not far from Battle Creek is the little village of Otsego. It was here, on a Friday evening, in June, 1863, as mentioned in chapter 6, that she had a notable vision concerning the principles of health that should be employed if we would glorify God aright in our bodies. The second vision on the same general theme was given to her December 25, 1865. Out of these grew not only books on the subject of healthful living but also on medical institutions, sanitariums and hospitals, the first being the Battle Creek Sanitarium that was opened on September 5, 1866. WBEGW 77.2

In the early 1870’s Ellen White and her husband made a journey to California. This was to be followed by many other like journeys as they sought to keep contact with the expanding work of the Adventist Church. While she was in the West, in 1874, she received a vision that opened before her, to the stimulation of the leaders of the work, how greatly the Advent Movement must expand, not only over all North America but to all parts of the earth. January, 1875, found her back in Battle Creek taking part in the dedication of the Battle Creek College, our first major educational institution, the need of which she had urged on the leadership with earnestness. WBEGW 77.3

In the years immediately ahead the story was a continuing one of labors hither and yon. Very particularly did she acquire some standing among temperance organizations for her earnest lectures on the evils of drinking. Many thousands of people in all walks of life came to hear her speak in different cities and States. WBEGW 77.4