Why I Believe in Mrs. E. G. White


Her Selection No Accident

Now, as we look back on this, what Mrs. White wrote assumes large significance. That prompts the key question: Did this woman, with virtually no education, just happen to emphasize four aspects of healthful living that in her day were at best given minor status, but now stand in the very forefront? Certainly today diet has major emphasis in the whole program of health. Physical medicine, which deals with hydrotherapy, electrotherapy, exercise, rest, and other related matters, now has a most respectable and significant standing. Mental health, the relation of body to mind, is really only today beginning to come into its own, as is indicated by a relatively new term used in the medical world—psychosomatic medicine. This describes that branch of medicine primarily concerned with the interaction of mind and body as they affect health. Mrs. White long ago declared that a large per cent of physical maladies reflect troubles in the mind. Modern medicine agrees with this. And preventive medicine? Great emphasis is given to this today by a whole array of medical men. WBEGW 45.1