Why I Believe in Mrs. E. G. White


Only One Answer

These and similar pertinent questions clamor for answers. For all of them there is patently but one answer: Mrs. White was firmly convinced that her visions came from God. And then follows inevitably the further conclusion: The fact that the amazing success of this publishing work, in which no astute businessman would have invested a dollar at the outset, only supports Mrs. White’s repeated declarations that her visions did, indeed, come from God. WBEGW 33.2

If only we could put ourselves in the historical mood, transporting ourselves to 1849, we could more fully appreciate how impossible, yes fantastic, her words must then have seemed. There is only one explanation why the publishing work actually did get under way in that year, and that is because James White obeyed what he believed was a vision from God. That statement is undebatable. Now as we look back we can say without hesitancy that our Seventh-day Adventist publishing work, so early launched, proved to be from its very beginning one of the greatest sources of our strength and our growth. It has, indeed, provided a striking, worldwide proof of the inspired character of the message Mrs. White declared God gave her in vision. WBEGW 33.3