Messenger of the Lord


Testing Contemporary Claims

Is it possible that another genuine prophet will appear in the Seventh-day Adventist Church before Christ returns? Adventists have never said that Ellen White is the complete fulfillment of such prophecies as Joel 2:28-32. Mrs. White herself was asked this question and responded that she had not been given any information on that subject. 12 MOL 536.4

No one knows what God may think best regarding special leadership before the Advent. And no one knows in what manner a future prophet may fulfill his or her role. What we do know is that a church has the obligation to test the claim, as Paul has taught: “Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies. Test all things; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil” (1 Thessalonians 5:19-22). MOL 536.5

All the tests listed earlier must be applied to each claimant. 13 The highest test of all is to compare later prophets with the body of inspired writings of previous prophets. MOL 536.6

Jesus made it clear that the church should expect the appearance of counterfeit prophets, especially in the last days before His return: “Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many” (Matthew 24:11). No doubt very persuasive and believable claimants will arise. What makes them “believable”? MOL 536.7

Counterfeiters don’t print three-dollar bills. The purpose of the counterfeit is to appear as close to the original or the valid as possible. Satan knows this tactic well. His method has always been to cover error with much truth. Eventually, the error also becomes part of the truth in their minds. MOL 536.8

Ellen White wrote to one who was confused about Anna Phillips’s claim that she had received visions and messages: “Many things in these visions and dreams seem to be all straight, a repetition of that which has been in the field for many years; but soon they introduce a jot here, a tittle of error there, just a little seed which takes root and flourishes, and many are defiled therewith.” 14 MOL 536.9

Yes, another genuine prophet is possible. And yes, if such a prophet should arise, his or her credentials will meet the tests that every true prophet in God’s communication system has met. MOL 536.10