Messenger of the Lord

Dreary Gap Between Malachi and John the Baptist

The Old Testament record of the illustrious line of prophets and prophetesses ends with Malachi who lived in the last half of the fifth century B.C. Did God’s communication system shut down for more than four centuries? MOL 19.5

It does seem that Israel no longer had the benefit of national prophets during this period. At the same time, the Scriptures (the prophetic record) were greatly valued. They became the focus of worship in the synagogues, newly constructed throughout Israel by the returning exiles from Babylon. MOL 19.6

But did God withdraw the “gift of prophecy” during this period? Ellen White makes an interesting comment on this long interval between Biblical prophets: “Outside of the Jewish nation there were men who foretold the appearance of a divine instructor... and to them the Spirit of Inspiration was imparted.” 23 MOL 19.7

During this intertestamental period (between the time of Malachi and Matthew) “heathen” scholars studied the Hebrew Scriptures (perhaps translated into their own languages). To them God spoke as they sought truth. 24 MOL 19.8

The “wise men from the East” (Matthew 2:1) no doubt were examples of those in Gentile lands who “foretold the appearance of a divine instructor” to whom “the Spirit of Inspiration was imparted.” They knew the time of Messiah’s birth and where He would be born. God spoke directly to these earnest men, urging them to return to their eastern home without further contact with the evil Herod. MOL 19.9

We should ponder well this incident and the general truth: “God shows no partiality” (Acts 10:34). Every generation has had men and women somewhere, Jew or Gentile, who were God’s inspired witnesses. Their names may not be writ large in Holy Scripture but their witness exists and the flame of truth survived. MOL 19.10

Malachi, the last prophet of the Old Testament, closed his messages with the prediction: “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord” (Malachi 4:5). MOL 19.11