Messenger of the Lord


Chapter 14—Confirming the Confidence

“And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs” (Mark 16:20). MOL 144.1

Visions were not always involved in dramatic exposures or in spectacular instruction during church deliberations. Some visions were about everyday matters. MOL 144.2

In 1850, church members in Sutton, Vermont, realized that the Whites were wearing themselves out, traveling on common stagecoaches or wagons. They contributed $175 to help buy a horse and carriage, and left it up to the Whites to choose the horse. This important decision did not take long. During the night, Mrs. White had a vision in which she would have the choice of three horses. The next day, she knew that the beautiful dapple chestnut, named Charlie, was the one to be trusted for many years—because the angel had said in the vision, “This is the one for you.” 1 MOL 144.3