The Voice of The Spirit

The Great Controversy : A Case Study

In the previous chapter, we analyzed an apostolic letter that allowed us to study a special model of inspiration, the epistolary model. Now we will analyze a book that is an excellent illustration of what we might call the historical model of prophetic inspiration. In this book, The Great Controversy, we find an inspired message about the history of the Christian church, a summary of the final events in human history, and we also find a series of elements that allow us to study the dynamics of divine communication—the elements that God and the prophet use to communicate a message. VOTS 82.2

The Great Controversy was one of Ellen White’s favorite books. In 1905 she declared: “I am more anxious to see a wide circulation for this book than for any others I have written.” 2 Some years later she again commented: I appreciate it above silver or gold, and I greatly desire that it shall come before the people.” 3 VOTS 82.3