The Abiding Gift of Prophecy


Micah—Messiah’s Birthplace

While Isaiah was declaring the word of the Lord in Jerusalem to the king and princes of the people, there was living in the sea plains of Philistia a humble peasant, Micah by name, who was called to bear his testimony to the rank and file of the people. Like the prophet Isaiah, he foretold the captivity both of Israel and of Judah; and, in the case of the former, saw its fulfillment. AGP 139.4

To him is given due credit for the reformation of King Hezekiah and the postponement of Judah’s day of doom. Jeremiah 26:18, 19. With a wider sweep of prophetic vision, he beheld the restoration of “the first dominion” (Micah 4:7, 8), and specified the birthplace of the promised Messiah (chapter 5:2). His book closes with a reference to the God who “pardoneth iniquity,” and who is to fulfill the promises made unto Abraham and to “our fathers from the days of old.” AGP 139.5