The Abiding Gift of Prophecy


Abundant Ministry of Prophets

Thus ended the kingdom of Israel, founded by the first Jeroboam 990 B. C. It came to its end 720 B. C., after an evil and stormy career of two hundred seventy years. Of every one of its nineteen kings it is written: “He did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord.” But while these kings were reigning and doing their evil deeds, the Lord raised up fourteen prophets to counsel, assist, warn, and restrain them as developments required. Besides the fourteen especially called to be messengers to these rulers, there were schools of the prophets and companies of prophets. Obadiah hid one hundred by fifties in caves, to save them from being put to death by Jezebel, queen of Israel. (See 1 Kings 18:3, 4.) AGP 122.4

Every one of Israel’s kings was given divine instruction through God’s messengers. (See 2 Kings 17:13.) There was no good reason, therefore, for missing the right way. Every king might have had a prosperous reign, and have left a good record; together they might have brought the kingdom of Israel to a AGP 122.5

glorious consummation. Instead, they wrought evil. They led the people away from God, and brought one disaster after another upon the kingdom until it finally ended with an assassin on the throne. AGP 123.1