The Abiding Gift of Prophecy


Not a Substitute for Bible Study

When, some years later, the opponents of Seventh-day Adventists sneeringly called their doctrines “vision views,” James White, writing in the Review and Herald, pointed to the fact that every doctrine was preached from the Bible, and sustained entirely by scriptural arguments. He maintained that divine revelation was not intended as a substitute for Bible study and prayer for light. He further stated: AGP 275.2

“The revival of any, or of all the gifts, will never supersede the necessity of searching the word to learn the truth…. It is not God’s plan to lead out His people into the broad field of truth by the gifts. But after His people have searched the word, if then individuals err from Bible truth, or through strife urge erroneous views upon the honest seekers for truth, then is God’s opportunity to correct them by the gifts. This is in harmony with our entire experience on this subject.”The Review and Herald, February 26, 1856. (Italics mine.)