The Abiding Gift of Prophecy


Wild Move Repudiated

This wild move created disgust, and brought forth emphatic repudiation by the leaders of the movement, immediately following the disappointment, as these words testify: “The Encampment!!!—It seems to be a common impression that this was the result of our doctrine. By no means. Only from one to two hundred, out of nearly three thousand believers (at Philadelphia) were deluded by this. The rest felt that they were not required to do anything of the kind; but saw that those favorable to it were led astray, and were grossly perverting the Scriptures. The arrangements for the encampment were made so hastily that those opposed had no opportunity to consider and try to counteract it. Now for the origin of this measure a Dr. C. R. Gorgas of York County, in this State, pretended to have been inspired about three weeks ago, and that it was revealed to him that the advent would take place at three o’clock in the morning of the 22d. Charts to this effect were sent to Baltimore and to this city. The brethren in both places immediately opposed it. Dr. Gorgas first went to Baltimore, but gained no converts. He then came to this city, and from that time the meetings here lost much of their solemnity and interest…. Joshua V. Himes, the chief publisher of advent papers, came to this city and strongly opposed Dr. Gorgas, as also Josiah Litch, well known as one of the first and most prominent among the advent preachers…. Brother Himes also went to New York and arrested the publication there of the Doctor’s chart, which the New York brother, before mentioned, had commenced. The five or six converts here, were also distributing his charts very freely, and the public therefore receives the impression that these charts set forth the expectation of second advent believers generally, who on the contrary rejected in toto the pretended inspiration. AGP 247.2

“Now this Dr. Gorgas professed to have a revelation that destruction was to be as in the days of Lot, and that all who would be saved must flee from the cities. The influence he had exerted over a few, and then their influence over others, led to the encampment—a most unhappy step —over which none can grieve more bitterly than the advent preachers and advent believers generally. It was the result of following a mere man, instead of the inspired word of the living God. Thanks be to Him for His unerring word; and thanks be to Him also for keeping the great body of those who love His appearing from being led astray by such an unholy influence. Lewis C. Gunn.” The Midnight Cry, Nov. 7, 1844, p. 147.