The Abiding Gift of Prophecy


Revival of Hope

This gripping truth swept over the advent hosts with a compulsion that carried all before it. Louder and louder swelled the cry, “The Bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet Him.” By voice and pen, men told of the expected Saviour. Public lecturers increased to the number of two thousand. AGP 243.5

The advent presses began to run day and night to turn out the literature that flooded the country. Some of these periodicals were monthlies; others, weeklies; and, in instances, a few were published every other day, or even daily. They were hawked in the streets of the cities. They were sent in bundles to every post office in the country, and on shipboard to all the ports of earth. AGP 243.6

The country was shaken by the mighty message. The Lord was expected. The dead were to be raised, the living saints translated, and the earth—then thought to be the sanctuary—was AGP 243.7

to be cleansed by fire, and so to become the abode of the saints forever. With holy joy men labored to spread the solemn warning and appeal. With deep searching they examined their own hearts for lurking sin and selfishness. They sold their possessions to obtain funds to spread the message of the expected King of kings. They believed so earnestly and honestly in their expectations that they left their crops standing unharvested, their potatoes in the ground undug. Such was the actual hope and sincere expectancy as October 22 drew on. AGP 244.1

Never was there a more thorough preparation made to meet God. For ascension to meet their Lord they sought the spotless robe of Christ’s righteousness; and for heart preparation, the forgiveness of God’s grace. The great day drew on. The last paper was mailed out. The last sermon was preached. The last appeal was made. The last prayer was offered. Their work was done! Only the coming of their Lord, they thought, stood between them and their fondest expectations. AGP 244.2

They waited,—hopefully, solemnly. But to their utter consternation, their anguish, and bewilderment, the appointed day passed. AGP 244.3