The Abiding Gift of Prophecy


Waldo—Bible Translation and Persecution

Two centuries after the death of Claudius of Turin, the Waldenses were greatly blessed and strengthened by the coming to them of the great preacher and leader, Peter Waldo. He had been a wealthy merchant in the city of Lyons, France. After his conversion to Christianity, he became a most successful opponent of the papacy. He secured the translation of the New Testament into the Latin tongue, the common language of the people in Southern Europe at that time. AGP 210.2

“This Romaunt version was the first complete and literal translation of the New Testament of Holy Scripture; it was made … not later than 1180, and so is older than any complete version in German, French, Italian, Spanish, or English. This version was widely spread in the south of France, and in the cities of Lombardy. It was in common use among the Waldenses of Piedmont, and it was no small part, doubtless, of the testimony borne to truth by these mountaineers to preserve and circulate it.” “History of Protestantism,” J. A. Wylie, Vol. I, p. 29. AGP 210.3