The Abiding Gift of Prophecy

The Prophetic Gift a Channel

According to this scripture, then, the church of Christ in the last generation will be known and recognized by these two distinguishing characteristics: loyalty to the law of God and possession of the prophetic gift. To these the apostle adds in subsequent prophecy, “the faith of Jesus.” Revelation 14:12. From this it appears that the remnant church will place special emphasis upon three fundamental doctrines of the gospel,—the law of God, the faith of Jesus, and the spirit of prophecy. The law of God is the changeless standard of the righteousness which God requires of all responsible beings. The faith of Jesus is the AGP 168.5

means provided whereby man may receive power to keep that law. The spirit of prophecy is the channel through which the Lord will give instruction, warning, and guidance to the remnant church for the work assigned, and for the preparation required at the second coming of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. AGP 169.1

To this evidence of the divine plan to continue the operation of the prophetic gift to the close of the Christian dispensation should be added the remarkable prophecy of Joel, which says: AGP 169.2