The Abiding Gift of Prophecy


Rebuilding of the Temple Hindered

But though a divine restraint was exercised upon the enemies of Israel at the court of Babylon, and they were unable to accomplish their sinister purpose, the builders at Jerusalem became disheartened at the magnitude of the task before them. They yielded to suggestions of doubt, as to whether it was an opportune time to build the temple. Many left the work, and went to build comfortable homes for themselves. AGP 153.5

Thus the work on the temple dragged on slowly for a number of years. At length a usurper—the false Smerdis, called Artaxerxes in Ezra 4:7—seized the throne of Persia, and the Samaritans AGP 153.6

succeeded in their purpose. A royal decree was secured forbidding the Jews to complete their temple or city. Then for more than a year no sound of a tool was heard at the temple site. Its unfinished walls stood in mockery of their decadent ambitions. AGP 154.1

The people, on the other hand, having built and beautified their own homes, sought earnestly to attain temporal prosperity for themselves. But, try as they might, they could not succeed. Their crops were blasted with drought, and they were facing starvation and ruin. AGP 154.2