Ellen G. White — Messenger to the Remnant


Chapter 7—Divine Leadings in Early Days

The record of the period from 1844 to 1855 is replete with allusions to instruction from Heaven, sent to direct and protect the infant church. Not alone was such guidance given in the larger, far—reaching steps, but oftentimes the leaders were directed by the Spirit of prophecy in matters of lesser moment. Illustrating this point, we cite here a few instances of such specific guidance concerning conferences and individuals, drawn at random from the documents of the times: EGWMR 47.1

1. “I was taken off in vision and saw concerning the state of some here, and also saw there would be a conference at your place and that it was duty of my husband to attend, and that a conference should be holden in Paris, Maine, and souls would be strengthened and comforted there. I then saw it was not duty to go to New York, but that we must tarry and abide where we were.”—E. G. White Letter 1, 1848 (May 29, 1848). EGWMR 47.2

2. “Since I have been writing, the brethren have flocked in and Ellen has had a most glorious vision. She has seen in vision that we shall go farther before we return to Maine. She saw that you would have a conference in Maine, but we must go west farther before we returned to Maine.”—James White Letter, July 2, 1848. Record Book I, p. 118. EGWMR 47.3

3. “The Lord gave me a vision and showed me that the truth must be made plain upon tables, and it would cause many to decide for the truth.”—E. G. White Letter, November [27], 1850. Record Book I, p. 82. EGWMR 47.4

4. “I then saw Brother Edson, that he must gird on the whole armor and stand in readiness to go, for a journey was before him, and that souls needed help.”—Vision, August 24, 1850. Record Book I, p. 112. EGWMR 47.5

5. “We began to inquire of the Lord what He would have us to do, or where we should publish, and it was shown me in vision that James must lay his hand to the work and strive to open the way, and if the way should bend before him, he must remain, but if it was shut up and did not open, we must go elsewhere. James has been doing as God showed me he must do, and the way has opened before him so that the first paper will be off today.”—E. G. White Letter, July 21, 1851. Record Book I, p. 149. EGWMR 47.6

6. “The Lord showed me about four or five weeks ago, that we must not go to Paris again, that they had not appreciated our labors there, and that they would yet desire to see some of the servants of God in Paris.”—E. G. White Letter 4, 1851 (Aug. 11, 1851). EGWMR 47.7

7. “I saw that it was now time for the brethren to move out wherever there was an opening, and God would go before them and would open the hearts of some to hear. New places must be entered, and when new places are entered, it would be well to go two and two so as to hold up the hands of each other.”—Vision, July 2, 1853. Record Book 1, p. 100. EGWMR 47.8