Ellen G. White — Messenger to the Remnant

Place of Visions in Church Demonstrated

In connection with the question of time to commence the Sabbath, James White wrote: EGWMR 36.2

“The question naturally arises, If the visions are given to correct the erring, why did she [Mrs. White] not sooner see the error of the six o’clock time? For one, I have ever been thankful that God corrected the error in His own good time, and did not suffer an unhappy division to exist among us upon the point. But, dear reader, the work of the Lord upon this point is in perfect harmony with His manifestations to us on others, and in harmony with the correct position upon spiritual gifts. EGWMR 36.3

“It does not appear to be the desire of the Lord to teach His people by the gifts of the Spirit on the Bible questions until His servants have diligently searched His word. When this was done upon the subject of time to commence the Sabbath, and most were established, and some were in danger of being out of harmony with the body on this subject, then, yes, then was the very time for God to magnify His goodness in the manifestation of the gift of His Spirit in the accomplishment of its proper work. EGWMR 36.4

“The Sacred Scriptures are given us as the rule of faith and duty, and we are commanded to search them. If we fail to understand and fully obey the truths in consequence of not searching the Scriptures as we should, or a want of consecration and spiritual discernment, and God in mercy in His own time corrects us by some manifestation of the gifts of His Holy Spirit, instead of murmuring that He did not do it before, let us humbly acknowledge His mercy and praise Him for His infinite goodness in condescending to correct us at all. EGWMR 36.5

“Let the gifts have their proper place in the church. God has never set them in the very front, and commanded us to look to them to lead us in the path of truth, and the way to heaven. His word He has magnified. The Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are man’s lamp to light up his path to the kingdom. Follow that, but if you err from Bible truth, and are in danger of being lost, it may be that God will in the time of His choice correct you, and bring you back to the Bible and save you.”—Id., February 25, 1868, p. 168, col. 2. EGWMR 36.6