Ellen G. White — Messenger to the Remnant


The Vision Published

(1) On December 20, 1845, approximately a year after the vision, it was related in a personal letter addressed to Enoch Jacobs of Cincinnati, Ohio, editor of an early adventist journal, The Day-Star. Although Ellen Harmon stated that the letter was not written for publication, Jacobs printed it in the issue of January 24, 1846. EGWMR 28.18

(2) This, and a second communication (The Day-Star, March 14, 1846), were republished on April 6, 1846, in broadside form for general distribution, the expense of 250 copies being met by James White and H. S. Gurney. EGWMR 28.19

(3) The next published appearance of the first vision was in “A Word to the Little Flock,” published May 30, 1847, by James White. EGWMR 28.20

(4) It was then republished by Eli Curtis in Girdle of Truth Extra, January 20, 1848. EGWMR 28.21

(5) Next it appeared in Second Advent Review Extra, July 21, 1851. EGWMR 28.22

(6) Finally, in the late summer of 1851, it was placed in permanent form in Mrs. White’s first book, “A Sketch of the Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White. (Early Writings, 11, 12.) EGWMR 28.23

No complete record was preserved of all the visions given Ellen Harmon in the weeks and months succeeding the first revelation. The more important ones were brought together in “Experience and Views,” and are now to be found in Early Writings, 11-78. Contemporary documents indicate that the revelations of those early days were frequent, and were given to encourage, instruct, guide, and protect the loyal remnant in this critical formative period of the first decade. EGWMR 29.1