Ellen G. White — Messenger to the Remnant


Personal Testimony Heartily Received

To illustrate the hearty and appreciative reception given to personal testimonies, we might quote from hundreds of letters of acknowledgment found in the files of the office of the Ellen G. White Publications. We cite one case here, that of N. D. Faulkhead * of Australia. Holding a responsible position in our Echo Publishing House, Mr. Faulkhead had failed to sever his connection with certain secret societies of which he was a member. With the advance of time, he became more and more involved in the lodge work, and turned a deaf ear to the warnings of his associates. Then Mrs. White, in a personal interview, presented his case as revealed to her in vision, and in so doing gave convincing evidence that the message she was delivering was of divine origin. As she finished giving the message, he declared: EGWMR 18.11

“I accept every word. All of it belongs to me. I accept the light the Lord has sent me through you. I will act upon it. I am a member of five lodges, and three other lodges are under my control. I transact all of their business. Now I shall attend no more of their meetings, and shall close my business relations with them as fast as possible.”—Related by Mrs. E. G. White in Letter 46, 1892. EGWMR 19.1

A few days later, in a second interview, Mr. Faulkhead told Mrs. White: EGWMR 19.2

“I wish you to know how I look upon this matter. I regard myself as greatly honored of the Lord. He has seen fit to mention me, and I am not discouraged but encouraged. I shall follow out the light given me of the Lord.”—Related by Mrs. E. G. White in Letter 21b, 1892. EGWMR 19.3

It took Mr. Faulkhead a few months to terminate his connection with the lodges which he managed, but with the final separation he wrote to Mrs. White expressing his appreciation for what God had done for him. His letter is typical of many in our files: EGWMR 19.4

“It gives me much pleasure to tell you that my term of office as Master of the Masonic Lodge, expired last month. And I feel to thank God for it. How thankful I am to Him for sending me a warning that I was traveling on the wrong road. I do praise Him for His goodness and His love shown toward me, in calling me from among that people. I can see now very clearly that to continue with them would have been my downfall, as I must confess that my interest for the truth was growing cold. But thanks be to God, He did not let me go on with them without giving me warning through His servant. I cannot express my gratitude to Him for it”—Letter to Mrs. E. G. White, Sept. 18, 1893. EGWMR 19.5