Ellen G. White — Messenger to the Remnant


Mrs. White’s Only Admission

Mrs. White did at one time admit, however, that there were outside influences which had a bearing on her messages. Note this interesting statement: “There are those who say, ‘Someone manipulates her writings.’ I acknowledge the charge. It is One who is mighty in counsel, One who presents before me the condition of things.”—E. G. White Letter 52, 1906. That some of her brethren attributed to mere human influence the counsel which she gave under impelling and divine guidance, was a source of distress to Mrs. White. One time she wrote, and we may well ponder the significance of these words: EGWMR 17.8

“What reserve power has the Lord with which to reach those who have cast aside His warnings and reproofs, and have accredited the testimonies of the Spirit of God to no higher source than human wisdom. In the judgment, what can you who have done this, offer to God as an excuse for turning from the evidences He has given you that God was in the work?”—Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, 466. EGWMR 17.9