Ellen G. White — Messenger to the Remnant


Chapter 4—Integrity of the Prophetic Message

The prophet occupies a position of unique importance, for he stands between God and man, bearing the messages of Heaven to his fellow men. He serves as a channel of communication, but he is not the originator of the message he bears. While there is a blending of his own capabilities with the divine guidance and aid in rightly presenting the messages, yet the messages he utters, as a mouthpiece of God, must not be warped by his personal views, nor must they be initiated or altered by surrounding influences. Indeed, at times the views presented and the messages given are contrary to his own views. EGWMR 15.1

The apostle Peter declares, “Holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” 2 Peter 1:21. Only as those who received warning and instruction maintained confidence that the prophet bore a message from Heaven, and not his own message, could his work carry weight and accomplish its purpose. EGWMR 15.2

Through the years of our history there have been those who urged that Ellen G. White spoke her own message and not, as she claimed, the message of God. It has been charged that she was influenced by those about her. There are also a few known instances where deliberate attempts were made to influence her in the messages which she bore. Was she or could she be influenced? These are questions of vital importance. EGWMR 15.3

If the messages which Mrs. White bore had not their origin in divine revelations from God, but were inspired by strong personalities or influences about her, then the writings which she claimed set forth divine instruction are of no more than human origin, and they are not worthy of the place given them by Seventh-day Adventists. EGWMR 15.4