Ellen G. White — Messenger to the Remnant


III. Printed in Articles and Books

Many lines of truth opened to Ellen White in vision, were of a nature to be presented to the church and the world. Such matters were carefully written out as articles for our periodicals or for publication in books. As we sum it up today, we find there are no less than 23,900 pages of matter which have appeared in book form, and some 4,500 articles which appeared in such of our papers as the Review, Signs, Youth’s Instructor, Health Reformer, etc. This writing was no mechanical task. It represented tireless application to the work. At times the nature of the matters dealt with made the work especially difficult. This is indicated by these words penned in 1895: EGWMR 13.6

“It has been hard for me to give the message that God has given me for those I love, and yet I have not dared to withhold it.... I would not do a work that is so uncongenial to me if I thought God would excuse me from it.”—E. G. White Letter 59, 1895. EGWMR 13.7

There were times, too, when individuals denied the truthfulness of that which was stated by the messenger of the Lord. Then she had to stand firmly, as indicated in the following “When I had to tell individuals that ‘you did this thing,’ etc., without one single human intimation that such was so, you may be assured that I had to set my face as steel before them.”—E. G. White Manuscript 12, 1893. EGWMR 13.8

The burden of soul which she carried was a heavy one. Observe this expression of feeling in an appeal written in 1903: “I have been afraid that I should not have the strength to write to you thus plainly, for to do it takes hold of every fiber of my being. It is indeed as if I were writing to my own son.”—E. G. White Letter 180, 1903. EGWMR 13.9